Manipulate parts of my plan

You can manipulate every section, group and component of your plan.

Select the item you wish to edit. To do this, click on the small square to the left of any row to tick that item. You can select multiple items this way. If you select a section, it will also select everything inside that section. Likewise, selecting a group will select everything inside that group. Once you have selected an item, you'll see a new panel on the right hand side showing what is selected and providing you with options.


Selected items panel

Selected options

  1. Delete - deletes all ticked items (requires confirmation)
  2. Copy - copies all selected items, placing a copy below the original. (requires confirmation)
  3. Move up - move selected items up one row. This option is only available if you choose items in the same location.
  4. Move down - move selected items down one row.This option is only available if you choose items in the same location.
  5. Move components - allows you to choose a group to move all selected components to. This will ignore any groups or sections you have selected.
  6. Move groups - allows you to choose a section to move all selected groups to.


Reordering with drag and drop

You can also drag any section, group or component to reorder your plan. Position your mouse over an item name, click and hold and then move it. You can use this to move components between groups or moving groups between sections too.